😁 Think about adding your Testimonial to this page 😃
NOTE: This next OM Story, like all of the Stories, is true. The results Kimberly experienced are not typical, though obviously possible. The Out of the MATRIX stand on prescribed psychotherapeutic medication is that it should be taken until the doctor who prescribed the medication advises otherwise. Our experience is that when the principles taught in Out of the MATRIX are exercised and applied by someone on medication they can come to a point where their doctor will alter, reduce or even stop their medication. Kimberly's miraculous results were due to her willingness and commitment to recognizing her power within herself.
In the Matrix:
From my bed I could see our alabaster claw footed bathtub beckoning me, teasing me, offering me what I thought I really wanted. What I thought I really wanted was to die in order to escape the tremendous pain and suffering I was feeling each and every moment of each and every day. I would just stare at the tub and dream of filling it with warm water, sitting in it, slashing my wrists and watching it fill with my crimson blood until I died. Thinking these thoughts was always the better part of my day.
That was thirteen (13) years ago. Since then “they” told me I had depression and from what I was feeling I could agree with that. “They” said I needed to be on medication, probably for the rest of my life. When medicated, I did not think of slashing my wrists in a tub filled with warm water, so “they” must have been right. Right? So, I accepted what “they” said and lived medicated for 13 years.
“They” never told me I had a “choice”…
In the seminar “Out of the Matrix” I was presented with choices, abundant choices, different choices, yet they WERE choices and they were MINE to make. WHAT? I had choices? “They” didn’t tell me that! And why would “they”? Just quickly estimating “they” have made more than $40,000 in medication and thousands more in therapy and doctor visits due to my “depression.”
Learning about synaptic connections in the seminar was the moment I unplugged from my “depression matrix,” stopped taking my depression medication, stopped referring to myself as a person with depression and made a NEW CHOICE. And every day I make that choice, that I am happy and joyful. Everyday I make positive synaptic connections in place of old depressing ones. I’m depression free six weeks now. I’m truly a living, breathing, walking, talking Out of the Matrix Miracle, a testament to the “power” within and the power this seminar reveals to you. Thank you OM,
~ Kimberly Ann
Hello, my name is Kimberly Ann
So, I bought a new car, had it two whole days when I somehow flung red sticky Jello with cut veggies and raw oatmeal all over the interior...I’m talking ALL over the interior!
My 13 year old daughter was mid sentence when this occurred and she froze, in fact, everything froze. I was suddenly Trinity (from the movie The Matrix) with everything frozen in the air and everything was waiting on my response. OK, minus the really cool leather outfit!
My daughter did not move, I did not move, time and space did NOT move. Everything truly was still, waiting for my response. Instead of cops to beat up like Trinity had before her, I had “choices,” many choices. In that frozen piece of time, I reached out and chose peace and joy, turned to my daughter and said, “so honey, what were you saying?”
After dropping off my daughter at school, I peaceably stood in the rain for half an hour, cleaning up the Jello and thinking to myself…. “this is going to make a great Out of the Matrix story.” And so it does!
~ Kimberly
Unplugged 03/2009
At Carnegie Mellon, they taught me how to engineer chemicals as I earned my Chemical Engineering degree. At Harvard, they taught me how to master a business in as I got my MBA. With Rev. Tony’s teachings in Consciously Creating, I learned how to engineer and master my life, how to generate the lasting happiness I thought was supposed to come from a successful career and didn’t. Now I live in the love and prosperity that lies beyond success. The information I got from Consciously Creating is the most valuable education I have ever received. Thank you Rev. Tony for Creating Consciously Creating, from the bottom of my happy heart.
~ Suzi, OH
For some time as an adult I had looked for ways to better myself. Whether though self help books, tapes, cds, online courses, therapy, etc. However, a couple years back I had reached another point of searching. A friend had told me about a seminar called Out of the Matrix. This is where I met Chris Lauretig and Tony Senf for the first time at an introduction for Out of the Matrix. Once again, I was already on the path, but something about this seminar resonated
differently. In the past, the energy for the materials would just fizzle out. This time everything I learned and heard at the seminar really clicked into place. Following the seminar, I continued working with Chris and a small group. We would continue the journey on this path towards consciousness. With Chris’ guidance and expertise in the material, it only grew my interest to fulfill my greatest potentials.
~ Jerome R.
I have spent tens of thousands of dollars to attend workshops throughout the country. All have had value but NONE compare to Out of the MATRIX. Its extraordinary assemblage of information and effective experiential presentation place it in a class by itself. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
~ David K.
My son doesn't live with me, and our time together is very limited, so I was thrilled that Daniel wanted what 'Out of the Matrix' offered badly enough to drive from Philadelphia to get it. And, I was more thrilled that he loved what he got! He learned a new way to view the world, a way that's allowing him to experience the 'dramas of his life' with detachment and understanding, rather than with the resentment, anxiety and depression that had become all too familiar. This transformation has been evident in the most ordinary moments; I hear it in the calmness in his voice. I know that he has more peace and joy in his life, and now he also has a community of like-minded friends to support him in his new way of thinking and being. Hard to beat that!
~ Bruce S.
This has been the most influential weekend of my life. From the first night I left the building I knew something huge had been awakened deep within my soul. Now that I have been surrounded by this information for the past 3 days I can’t help but crave even more knowledge so I can learn to live this way of peaceful living. I realize it will take time, but I already feel better about my life. What’s amazing about this Course is that the moment you are ready to live happy and the moment you open yourself up to the concept of getting out of the Matrix, you get it. You actually begin to feel alive again in that very moment. I’m so grateful that this Consciously Creating Course is available. Thank you for saving my life.
~ Keri, FL
Just a huge thank you and a heartfelt expression of gratitude for the Out of The Matrix program. My 16 year old son Kyle took this course recently and has changed and transformed right before my eyes. What an incredible experience of healing that has taken place in him. He is happier, more open to new ideas and is much more patient and tolerant
than ever before. Before the course he was experiencing a lot of anger with bouts of depression. His change in perception has changed dramatically and we are able to communicate much better than ever. He is actually teaching and helping me see things differently. Thank you again I recommend it to everyone all ages and walks of life.
~ Sincerely, a very happy participant
I came with Great Expectations – and they were exceeded. I learned much about myself and already am implementing it. My mentor (Kimberly) was excellent both in knowledge and in support. A life changing experience!
~ Bill S.
Both of my daughters are involved in the "Out of the Matrix" program. My eldest daughter was involved from the beginning. She has changed so much from this new way of thinking, it is truly amazing. I guess one of the biggest things was that she is now taking responsibility for her actions. She is much calmer, thinks about what her consequences might be and makes her decision. She went from "F"'s in the public schools to all "A & B"'s. She not only thinks about
herself, but others.
I am so excited about this program because it is not just for the kids. It helps parents and adults to understand the world in which they live in. I know for myself it helped me to realize some of the things I get upset about are really not the issue I am upset about. This is a process of learning and growing that can and will change people's lives. My goal is to share this wonderful opportunity with as many people who are willing to change their way of thinking. I am
truly thankful for the OM staff and their dedication to help others.
~ Cindy M
If I could describe this weekend in one word, it would be “enlightening.” I came into this weekend very skeptical. I did not want to give up my weekend and come to some bogus session where two adults were just going to tell me the same cliché things I have been being fed for years and years. But that is not what it is. What I was told this weekend absolutely blew my mind. The ways I was able to combat negativity using only myself are going to help me for the rest
of my life. I could spend days just writing about what happened here but I wouldn’t want to ruin it for the reader. All I can say is that it is a fantastic experience that I am extremely fortunate to be able to be a part of, and I hope you can experience Consciously Creating yourself.
~ Henry, OH
This weekend has been the most powerful 3 days of my life. I woke up every day for as long as I could remember hating my life and living in fear and discomfort, wishing I had a different life. After the Consciously Creating weekend I had realized it wasn’t the world or life I was unsatisfied with, it was just my beliefs that I was living by. This has changed my life forever and I have found a peaceful and amazing new way to live my life in harmony. I now know why I was
living my life how I was, it was to find this program and also find my calling in life, to study and keep myself Consciously Creating for good and show other people they can find complete peace in their life like I have begun.
life I was unsatisfied with, it was just my beliefs that I was living by. This has changed my life forever and I have found a peaceful and amazing new way to live my life in harmony. I now know why I was living my life how I was, it was to find this program and also find my calling in life, to study and keep myself Consciously Creating for good and show other people they can find complete peace in their life like I have begun.
~ Ryan, OH
The Consciously Creating Course has really been an eye opener. Just when you think everything is “perfect” you’re thrown a curve ball. There is so much about how you view your life that isn’t right or wrong, just detrimental. I am happier now that I know I can change, shape, form and ultimately create my life and feelings; not have them
created for me.
~ Kevin, OH
The weekend was great. I loved it. It really helped me learn who I was. I feel as if I have got my power back. I loved it a lot. I’ll definitely be back.
~ Elliott, OH
This weekend has been wonderful for me. At first I did not want to be here. Now I see that this was for me to see the light and view myself different than I was. I have learned so much and it was so much fun being here with everyone. My mentors were of great help. Tony and Chris were such an inspiration and I loved to see Chris cry. LOL. This
was such a good experience and I can’t wait to come back.
~ Jazz, a.k.a. Jiffy, OH
This weekend helped me fill the missing thoughts of life. I used to always ask why. And Consciously Creating helped me want more out of life and work and know how I can get that life. I feel at peace now. I feel I have been blessed with a power that others don’t know they have. I’m very thankful for this great experience and eye opener.
Thank you guys :)
~ Rachael, OH
This weekend marked a change in my perception and my views towards life. It was a long hard process but I was able to reach deep and accept the fact that I am the cause of my own problems. I take responsibility of my actions and my attitude towards life. I will definitely apply Out of the MATRIX to my everyday life to achieve my
perfect happiness.
~ Kyle, OH
This weekend gave me a deeper & even different way to see the things in my life and my overall understanding of what happened/happens in my life. I feel like now I have reached a point where I can move thru with the true possibility of happiness, joy & peace of mind. This weekend is definitely life changing. The new “story” I have is now one
of letting go and enjoying what’s around me today.
~ Sarah, Fl
For me, Consciously Creating has been a wonderful experience. The reinforcement and discussion was great, as well as the experience of doing the process with other people in such a loving environment. I have felt so much peace and joy throughout the weekend. I am going to think about this experience every day and follow the principles. To reach other teens, appeal to their pain and sadness. Much like college billboards appealing to adults looking for a sign to return to school, show kids that this is their opportunity to turn things around and discover the path to peace.
~ Daniel, PA
This weekend reopened a path to possibilities that I lost sight of using previous methods of perception that my matrix mentality lead me to...silly me, that path was in me where I left it, just slightly overgrown with debris.
~ Shaun, OH
The weekend for me was a great opportunity to achieve TRUE inner peace and control over my life. It was especially cool to watch “kids” my age deal with the same misbeliefs as me. I know in my mind and my heart that the tools that the Out of the MATRIX teachings gave me throughout the weekend are the same tools that will ultimately shift the world and change it for the better. I can honestly say I am Out of the MATRIX. Thank you Tony & Chris, I am looking forward to serving my real purpose.
~ Mark, OH
“Whoa!” I didn’t know what I didn’t know. How wonderful to find out that deep down I am perfect! What I was afraid to find out… became I am limitless, I am love, I am joy, I am generous. Could this really be REAL? Could this really be me? Do I dare accept this new me? Thank you everyone for showing up as your true selves. Thank you for sharing your power! P.S. – Walter, my Mentor, said the perfect things to me and was perfectly listening when I needed to hear myself think." Consciously Creating Rocks!
~ Dave
I've done a lot of workshops, ACIM, 12 step work, therapy, etc. What I got out of this weekend is CLARITY – TOOLS –VISION for what Can Be. I had an opportunity to really look at my part in my life – how what I think is outside is merely a reflection of what is inside. I took Consciously Creating to see if it’s something I would like to train for – after this experience I am convinced that I will do whatever it takes to complete the Oracle training so I can take this program to
wherever it leads me.
~ Kathi
The concepts presented cover a broad range of consciousness-raising concepts. The clearing exercises and my mentor, Ted, did an excellent job of digging deep and getting to the core of my driving force. Thank you for putting Consciously Creating together! I hope to be a part of your program soon to share this with others! The concepts presented cover a broad range of consciousness-raising concepts. The clearing exercises and my mentor, Ted, did an excellent job of digging deep and getting to the core of my driving force. Thank you for putting Consciously Creating together! I hope to be a part of your program soon to share this with others!
~ Penny Stetz
This weekend has been inspiring to me because I used to wonder what was wrong with me. Now I know there is nothing wrong with me. I really am the beautiful person that I’ve always wanted to be.
~ J.A.J.
The program gave me a new perspective on releasing and letting go of beliefs that have been holding me back from being successful in my life. Now I can Consciously Create. Thank you!
~ Bill
This was the best workshops that I have attended. I have learned ways of finding and getting in touch with my inner guide. Now I know how to work on having peace, love, happiness, self worth and acceptance in my life. Now I can Consciously Create a life I LOVE!
~ Jean
“It means freedom!” I feel comforted and empowered to have the additional tools to reinforce the Out of the MATRIX model. To live/ implement it in my life. “What joy – a state of being!” I am in control of what I think. I am in control of how I will believe and live my life. This is very exciting and freeing. I don’t have to rely upon anyone else to “make” me happy!”
~ Nancy
Well… This experience couldn’t have happened at a more appropriate time. There are no accidents… Over the past 6 months, I have started to answer some of the questions that I have posed to the universe for so long. This is part of the growth spurt that I have been experiencing. I asked the questions, started to become impatient, let go of the impatience and frustration, exercise acceptance and then this opportunity presented itself to me. It has clarified many
concepts and insights to me and has helped me to understand many things at a deeper level and in a greater awareness and capacity. I am so grateful for Consciously Creating... for all of this. Thank you guys!
~ Jaime
From not knowing how this would do anything for me, I have found that I have many connections to feelings and emotions that I never realized or thought of.
~ Mitch
I took Out of the Matrix an it transformed my life. I found more peace in my life and my relations ships greatly improved as well. I thought, "It doesn't't get any better than this. Then I took Consciously Creating. It took me to whole new level that I didn't know existed. Now I ask myself how far I can go and my Self answers: "As far you believe you can." I took Out of the Matrix an it transformed my life. I found more peace in my life and my relations ships greatly improved as well. I thought, "It doesn't't get any better than this. Then I took Consciously Creating. It took me to whole new level that I didn't know existed. Now I ask myself how far I can go and my Self answers: "As far you believe you can."
~ Tim
This weekend really opened my eyes to a completely new way of living my life. Out of the MATRIX showed me that I’ve always had my power – but now I know how to access it! I look forward to implementing these principles in my life to live with peace, love, joy and acceptance.
~ Sean
Consciously Creating was an absolutely wonderful experience. Questions were answered. Struggles are over. I know that it’s all about me – and it’s okay to stumble. I know that I received tools to continue to grow and live in my POWER!
~ Azizi
This weekend has opened my eyes to what I have been hiding within. It brought out feelings that were keeping me inside the Matrix. My mind is free. I am free of my beliefs. I’ve learned what is, is what it is. I found the path to finding my peace, love and joy. It’s a journey, but if I remain in the moment, I will remain out of the Matrix, and will listen to/follow my Internal Guide.
~ Angela
I took this weekend because I am interested in becoming an oracle. I had reservations thinking I knew a lot of this already; however, I realized through this weekend that I did not “know” everything I thought I did. Many new perspectives were opened to me and I saw some things about myself that I did not realize. As Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer said once, the reason no one can see your pain is because they all have so much pain of their own. I really saw that this weekend. We all have the same fears. That is huge for me and has helped tremendously. I know this is supposed to be secular, but I would really like to see this with the spiritual aspect. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
~ Connie
I came with Great Expectations – and they were exceeded. I learned much about myself and already am implementing it. My mentor (Kimberly) was excellent both in knowledge and in support. Consciously Creating was life changing experience!
~ Bill
This experience was much more than I expected it to be. Having taken other workshops created by Rev. Tony, Beyond Forgiveness, Creating A Holy Relationship and Quantum Abundance, and others, I thought that Out of the Matrix would be a watered down version of those workshops. This was not the case for me. And when I got to Consciously Creating... WOW! In fact, it took my learning from the other workshops to a deeper level. The presentation was slicker, different and deeper enough to hold my undivided attention; my mentor was diligent; and I experienced other breakthroughs, which were not at all expected. It was so awesome for me to experience the feeling of BEING ENOUGH. I AM ENOUGH! I am NOT LIMITED. I do not lack ANYTHING. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
~ Susan
I can’t say enough about the program. I can’t wait to process everything, go over all of the info and begin my mission to share this information with others and help them to realize that they don’t have to live in the Matrix. I will commit to working on myself to become the best ‘star’ that I can be and an example for others. Thanks to everyone.
~ Morgan
I was very skeptical when coming to this weekend, but after the weekend is over I really enjoyed it. I learned many new techniques and ways of thinking that will help me improve my life and find happiness inside me. Now I can Consciously Create!
~ Jason
This has been a very mind-blowing weekend. I feel that everything I felt I knew I didn’t. I’ve been given a new lease on life. I now know what it is all about.
~ Amanda
After you have completed the first part, the Science of Consciously Creating (Sciences of CC), if you would like to continue and help me earn my Doctorate, click below to access the registration link. You will then be sent the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire and the access link to the next part of the Consciously Creating Course and the subsequent Study Guides.
Consciously Creating
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